Saturday, March 8, 2025

Christmas 2024

Hello old friend!

I enjoy the tree, especially at night!

A fruit wreath I made for Christmas Eve

and  a vegetable  Christmas tree!

 Centerpiece....pine, oranges, cranberries and floating candles!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Country Drive

Mag Creek....right before it runs into the Maries River...creek was up!

Looking downstream..Maries River  west of Vienna

Fleabane  I think


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

County Road

We drove out a couple county roads yeterday.  Have seen this bus in the woods many times...maybe it's used for storage...or a hunting cabin?

Everything is so  green....and the sky was beautiful!

another bus!

Maries  River looking upstream  at the site of th old swinging bridge.

 Always fun to get out and look at the countryside!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Spring Travels

Naturalized area of BlueEyed Mary

Perhaps I could get a better picture if I got out of the truck!

Pretty stream

someone used a lot of branches/ this went on for a little ways!  Lots of work!


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Dogwood Trees

These pictures don't even begin to show how lovely the Dogwoods were this year.  They blanketed the hillsides and before the other trees leafed out  it almost looked like snow on the hillsides...Dogwood snow I called it. I was unable to capture how it looked,but it was beautiful!