Friday, July 1, 2011

Gifts from our girls

Our oldest daughter recently went on a trip to New York City with some relatives and brought us home these neat gifts....M&M glasses and a Hershey's chocolate deal from Time's Square. She also brought a glass from SNL but I didn't get it in the picture. I do believe she had a fantastic time! Going to dry these and then tie them with some rafia this fall to display on our front table.

Hydrangeas are doing ok so far. One of them gets a little more sun than the other and is sometimes wilting at the end of a hot sunny day, but I think they'll be ok.

I was telling our younger daughter how we didn't have any of these in our field and she was nice enough to go out into her field and make me a bouquet. These are the same ones that I am drying for use this Fall.

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