Monday, August 20, 2012

Cabin Stuff

When we had our out-of-state visitors this Summer, one of my cousins brought this picture.
Back when he was a little boy they would always play our Dark Shadows game when they 
visited, so now we have this hanging in the cabin as a reminder of that.
Actually, I am pretty sure that game is still there somewhere....I need to look into that!
They left these two knives there for Richard....
This is actually a box they brought trash to town in....naturally I thought it was cool, 
so I had to save it....I am truly a packrat!
Label of some beer from the Czech Republic, where my cousin had been working...
Another bottle from the Czech Republic...
Sure enjoyed our visit with the Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas people!


Sarah said...

Not surprised u got those out of the trash! LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL I couldn't resist!