Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cabin Anniversary

My parents bought a trailer to use at the river back in 1968....August 8 to be exact.
45 years ago.....the old trailer was moved and replaced in the early 90's with our 
current cabin.....Has never been flooded...yet.... The first several pictures here 
were taken between two and three this afternoon....MODOT closing the highway and 
directing traffic....
Bridge closed.
High water....
We had put things up high...but then they raised the crest...We realized
the water would likely get into the cabin this time so we went down to
move things inside up higher...We had to climb down the bluff/hill..Not
an easy walk...then had to wade through the floodwaters to get in..
the down river side of the cabin..
Molly photo-bombing this neat rock formation on our way back 
up the bluff hill..
These pictures were taken around seven thirty in the evening....river higher now, 
numbers on the pillars not showing.
South end of the bridge....according to the markers here this is higher than the 1982
flood...and was still rising..
Richard took these pictures...neat fog over the river...
Looking upriver...towards Spring Creek..
Taken from the North end of the bridge...
And a pretty sunset to end the day.
Richard is planning on going back over the bluff in the morning...will post pictures he takes...
We are hoping for the best, but have accepted the fact that water is in there. So many people
have so much more worse things to deal with, so not going to complain. We sure have had a lot of
good times down there over the years! Many, many memories....


Anonymous said...

Tell dad that I'm gonna walk down there in the morning as well, maybe we will see each other!

Anonymous said...

Will do....I think he is going to go pretty BE CAREFUL!

Anonymous said...

I will be:) I will call/come by when I get back. Have him email me when he goes...I might b up.

Sarah said...

It's too dangerous for you to walk down there yourself, Malinda! You better be careful!!!!

Crazy to see the cabin surrounded by water. Hoping for the best and hopefully it won't be anything more than a little scrubbing can't fix! And I volunteer to help ! : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer to help....appreciate that!