Monday, September 2, 2013

Mute Monday


Anonymous said...

As always, enjoy your photos and I kind of got a "Vienna fix" watching the parade. I just walked the dogs on the river. There was a fancy-dancy boat behind a pickup truck that Max and Buddy were looking at -- almost fearful of that boat, carefully skulking around it as if it was a monster - doubt they have been around one up close. Anyway, the owner came out and I was telling him the dogs were fearful of his boat and he said, "probably smell what's in it." It was the head of an 85-lb. catfish his son had caught on the MO River. Whew! It was huge! He said they had the fish fry yesterday - would feed the county! Luv u, K

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a fish! No wonder those dogs were wary! Glad you enjoyed your visit to the parade! It sure was hot!