Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Flood Randoms

Pillows that were between the mattresses of the bunk bed...damp, but not soaked.....going to take their stuffing out, wash the cases, restuff with  new stuffing and have them back down there again!
This is one of the items that fell when the bunk beds started floating....this side is barely muddy

this side was 'up" and was pretty covered in mud...there were a few items like this, one side was a mess, the other one not..

This was inside the kids' desk....we had it up on a table, but it ended up being over the top of the desk...see the brown water?  I did locate a tassel in there that I think came off of sock monkey...will wash that and put it on him...

This box of tiles as also in the desk....this has been around a long time!  the box was going to fall apart, but I saved the tiles.   Took them back to town and washed them with a toothbrush!

Wonder where this store was?

The first walk by of the neighbor's place I thought their owl had lost it's head (see pic below)  on another trip by I spotted it's head on the ground! kind of creepy!

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