Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unwelcome Visitor and an Obvious Project

Quite the find here....mouth wide open......measured at 37 inches. You can even see where the eyes are/were!

I was piddling around with the mulch on the West side of the house the other day and sure took a jump back when I saw this! Whole snake skin.....head to tail. Now I know some snakes are good and help keep the rodent population in control......I just don't need to know they are around! The obvious project? Check out our siding! I am seeing a can of CWF and a paintbrush in my future!


April said...

Just looking at that skin sends chills down my spine. I hate snakes. Never seen a skin like that before with the eyes and all. Looks neat.

Anonymous said...

I don't like snakes either! You should have seen me jump backwards! LOL It is in good shape though.

Dana W. said...

I agree with April - not about it looking neat, about the chills! The picture alone is enough to give me bad dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!