Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back to the Mine

My parents got me this for Christmas one sure I didn't appreciate it enough at 
the time. It is part of an old fruit box, I think. They had quite a time finding it, as this was
before the internet, e-bay, etc. I had it displayed downstairs and at some point one of the girls
thought it needed moved to the dungeon...anyway, it's out of there now!
Two tins....of course not empty..back into the dungeon they go! haha! The one on the right 
are squares I cut a very long time ago....I made a quilt out of those squares..and some placemats! 
The other tin I have no idea...maybe came from an auction?
This is the last box I brought out of the dungeon...full of papers, cards, etc etc.  Have not 
gotten "through" with this box yet....lots to read!
Yeah, this may take a while!
Two little mugs....a fan from the Vienna Centennial..there were actually two of these in there.
No idea about the doll wrapped in tissue...Mom, any idea?
There were two of these in the box also..
Rainbow Star item...I like the pot of gold at the bottom!
A straight razor, is it called?  Still felt sharp and I believe it said it was made in Germany.
If I was organized I would have known I had this and could have showed it to my classes 
when we talked about this at school!
Will post about some of the other things from that box as I go through them....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The little doll is called a Nancy Ann Storybook although we just called them "Storybook" dolls. Each one was sent to me from California by Gail Kendrick - for Christmas or my birthday. I didn't know any of them still existed. I recall "Thursday's Child" and the Bride and a Bridesmaid and a southern lady and one in a short dress of blue. Dixie may remember. Mom