Sunday, November 30, 2014

Church Storeroom

We went up to church a day or so after the Fall Supper and Richard straightened up part of the store looks really good and there is even an open area or two on some it won't stay that way long! ha!
I studied on this old step stool while we were there....made of metal and folds neatly....wonder how old it is and where it came from? Looks like it's been a good one!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

We have had a bit of pretty snow on this Thanksgiving Eve....Has quit now, but sure liked watching it fall....
I got out my Thanksgiving salt/pepper shakers this morning....and I still have the box! I imagine these would be considered vintage by now.....I believe I got them from my Mom. Seems kind of strange they are looking different directions...maybe I should have swapped their positions?
Since we have enough people we'll have to set up two tables, I got these out also....they were my Grandma Juanita's. The tom has had his tail broken (was already like that when I got them) and let me tell you, if someone uses that hen for their salt, they are going to get a bunch of salt! haha!
I have lots to be thankful for this year!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Snowy Sunday

Some scenes from our snowy Sunday....a pumpkin wearing a "hat" of snow...
Looked to be five or six inches..
Peony bush weighed down by the snow..
A mixture of the Fall leaves covered by a Winter-like snow..
Rose with a bunch of snow on it....odd because it wasn't facing straight up...
This rose looks pretty cold!
Sure was a good day to stay inside and stay warm! The snow was really pretty to watch!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Changing Seasons

Beautiful day here today, but Winter will be knocking on the door tonight.....Like many others, we are in for some much colder  weather....I picked these little  roses  today off  the bush in front of the bay window....Will  enjoy them  now on the window sill  above our kitchen sink.  I also finished washing all the windows...planted the mum,  helped haul firewood into the basement,  and various other  "outdoor"activities. Sarah and the kids came over after  work and we watched them while she went to church and finished putting away things from the Halloween Party.  We had a picnic of crackers and peanut butter on the back deck while she was gone.....was  a fun time!
There are still some pretty leaves around!
This is the Oak tree on the Northwest corner of our yard..... The acorns from  this tree just cover the ground......good acorn crop this year from this tree and most of the rest of our oaks also.
The burning bushes and sure hanging on to their leaves a long time.....brilliant red in the sun.
Enjoyed the time outside today and will be doing indoor things most of the rest of the week!

Monday, November 3, 2014


We took a drive Sunday afternoon down several county roads....In the Dry Creek/Cliffty Creek areas..I like these rock lined places on the hills.....Would be neat to be able to see what this looks like during a hard rain!
Clifty Creek from the low-water slab...
Our turkeys were back Sunday morning! I watched them for quite a neat to have them so close!