Beautiful day here today, but Winter will be knocking on the door tonight.....Like many others, we are in for some much colder weather....I picked these little roses today off the bush in front of the bay window....Will enjoy them now on the window sill above our kitchen sink. I also finished washing all the windows...planted the mum, helped haul firewood into the basement, and various other "outdoor"activities. Sarah and the kids came over after work and we watched them while she went to church and finished putting away things from the Halloween Party. We had a picnic of crackers and peanut butter on the back deck while she was gone.....was a fun time!

There are still some pretty leaves around!
This is the Oak tree on the Northwest corner of our yard..... The acorns from this tree just cover the ground......good acorn crop this year from this tree and most of the rest of our oaks also.
The burning bushes and sure hanging on to their leaves a long time.....brilliant red in the sun.
Enjoyed the time outside today and will be doing indoor things most of the rest of the week!