Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Last Week

Last week Richard spotted this hawk sitting on a piece of driftwood in our was eating what appeared to be a goldfinch....looks like he is staring right at me in this picture!
There was the annual donkeyball game at school a week or so ago....I didn't attend, but heard it was a full house....If you ever want to fill the gym, have a donkey ball game! 
An old Elm stump on the Mae Place  by the highway.....I go over and knock pieces off this now and then, but last week Richard decided to get a sledgehammer thing or something and knock it on down..While we were getting ready to do that, I noticed something down inside of it...
What is that?  I reached down and pulled it out...
A huge horseshoe! This was pretty far inside of the tree.....Sure wish I knew the story or when/who left it where it could get enveloped by the tree as the tree grew! What a story that could be!
After he knocked it all down there was a bunch of  pill bugs or roly polies..that spent the Winter deep  down in the stump..
It was a big horse shoe!  We also found a couple nails a ways into the tree...

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