Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brinktown Dinner

After church Sunday, we went to the Spring Dinner at Brinktown....It was a good meal and after that we decided to take a drive...we went to this Lake down towards Dixon....Nice area and things were "done up right" there, as the Department usually does....
Very nice stand of Indian Paintbrush right after the entrance....wish I would have taken more time and gotten a few more pictures of these...they were just beautiful....
After that, we headed North and actually ended up in Miller County...was a nice these old buildings! Sure would like to go "explore"
Wonder what stories went on in these buildings....would like to see what is behind that door!
We stopped and had a really nice visit with Sarah and her family on our way back to town...Later in the evening we even had some hail!
Was a pleasant way to spend Sunday afternoon!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday Randoms

Find the cat!
Jack has found a new sleeping spot on the warm sunny days we had last week....In the middle of our lilac bush right by the driveway....The lilacs have bloomed very well this year too....The redbuds are getting a bit past peak, but the dogwoods are just coming on and they are beautiful!
Richard's brother  aka "Mushroom King" brought us this big red mushroom yesterday...He has a real gift for finding mushrooms! We shared some with an older woman from our church and she came back in the afternoon with a fresh baked peach pie! Good stuff! 

Charley Town

We took a drive last week over towards St. Elizabeth...took the long way there and saw lots of was this wall made of huge limestone rocks...actually there was another one just as impressive as this one...
Oops! Someone got their saw stuck in a tree! 
Crumbling railroad bridge with graffiti...
Went into this neat old building in St. Elizabeth...sort of a flea market kind of thing in there....loved the pressed tin ceiling inside...neat building!
After lunch at Miss Kitty's, we headed home...saw this house up on a hill along a county road...would sure like to go walk around and explore here!
This was at the bottom of the hill....appears to be old flower beds maybe.....bushes still blooming.
What I found at the flea market....two neat containers to use in the microwave....a fish cooking thing....a set of carousel horses...The round microwave container is exactly like one I got from Grandma Frieda...they are called Grab-Its and this one even still has that name stamped underneath the handle.
When I told my Mom we had been over towards St. E. she said my Dad always called St. E  "Charleytown"  Richard did some reading online about all things St. E. and found that it was indeed named Charles Town! It's name was officially changed in 1961 and I sure didn't know that! Also the town had been moved from it's first location at one time also....We had a nice morning out and saw lots of neat things!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Late Night Photo Dump

Our first dinner at the cabin this year! Friday night!
I was up real early one morning and saw this bumblebee hanging upside down on this twig.....wonder if he was sleeping? He never flew off, even though I took a bunch of pictures...He moved his leg around some and just hung there..
Sweet Gum....See the baby Sweet Gum ball?
Jack being a bad cat! I left a partial load of washcloths in a basket while I went to do something and when I came back he had drug two of them out of the basket and was playing with them!
Baby Sycamore balls......anyone know why some of them are red?? I suppose I should look that up!
Saturday when we got to the river....rain clouds, but it didn't rain...
That was sure a random bunch of pictures!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Freaky Friday-Bat Edition

When we were working at the cabin Wednesday, Richard took down a board that had been covering part of a's on the outside, so you just never really know what is going to be behind/under something that has been in place for months.....well, there was a bat under the board! I took this picture from inside the cabin....
And here is a picture from the outside....look at it's little ears and feet! I tried to get a picture of it's beady little eyes, but couldn't seem to get a good one....
After spending some time looking at it and taking pictures, we decided to scare it off so it wouldn't decide to bother us! haha! anyway, he is pushing on it with  a broom and it wasn't wanting to move....can you see it's teeth? It kept biting at the broom! Pretty soon it did fly off...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Morels and Dinner

Spent the day today working at the cabin....trying to get things ready for the new floor....while we were down there, Richard found some mushrooms while moving items to another place....He has such sharp eyes! We found 29 in all! This one was hiding under a leaf.
This one was growing in what the kids called the "secret passageway" when they were growing up....
Tonight's dinner....mushrooms from the banks of the from Fick's "pond" south of town....Salad and steamed zucchini from G&W's garden! Nice springtime dinner!

Bad Cat

Jack has decided he likes sitting by this birdhouse also....We did have some wrens interested in it...Suppose not anymore! I guess he thinks this is entertaining....
Oops...he got caught!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Flowers

I found these little flowers under the Hickory tree here in our yard...I looked them up and think their name may be Spring Beauty....delicate little flowers...
The Bleeding Heart plant I have on the East side of our house.....much smaller than last year..hope that doesn't mean it's not going to make it...
It is a good year for Bluebells this year...We saw lots of them while we were on the river Sunday...whole banks full of them and scattered in the woods...These were in the wooded area at the boat ramp.
Lots of areas like this...just up on the river bank.
Pictures don't do them justice...they were really pretty!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

We had a nice Easter...and the weather was perfect! Here are the gifts for the Grandkids...Tyler's bucket had  cars and boy things in it...and a pink talking bunny for Emily....I love the hungry caterpillar....he was so soft! 
Sweet Emily on her first Easter....
Tyler loves pushing Emily around in the walker....I really like his blue shirt and you can see how happy he is here...
After lunch we had an Easter egg hunt for was lots of fun!
Gpa helping Tyler find his last's a yellow one and is on top of that old cistern thing! Easter bunny is pretty sneaky! Ha!
Checking out his loot!
When Tyler came up to church from Sunday School he had two of these for his Mom/Dad and one for Granny! I feel special! He is so sweet!
Crafts from the kids....This is the one Tyler was so proud that "I did it all myself"  Too cute! A white bunny and a carrot!
We got two of these....this one from Tyler, and we have another with a tiny little hand print from little Emily....soo cute!
It was a nice day and we made some good memories!