Monday, March 30, 2015

More Toys

I rounded up some more small toys out of the dungeon......what an assortment of stuff!
I divided it up into three pictures....not all of it made it into a picture either.....This appeared to be mostly fast food toys......of all sorts....Back to the Future, Looney Tunes, Batman, etc...
A few Disney things were mixed in as well....and a Taco Bell dog thing.....
And more....There is Hamburglar....sp? Not sure if he is even part of their ads anymore? Probably not....
Believe it or not, there are still more down there......will have to organize and see what all is there!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Recent River Walk

These pictures are from a couple weeks ago when we were down at the cabin....Here is a bug on the deck at the cabin....
Ouch! A tree that had railroad spikes driven all the way up it so someone could climb to a deer stand...
Moss on a rock!
A rather large turtle enjoying the late Winter sun...
Richard did some work up by the bluff at the old cabin....There were several of these up there..
I just think they are amazing!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Our visitor to the yard was back the other day....the hawk...he was sitting out in the redbud tree where we have the bird feeder hanging. He sat there for a while waiting for another bird to eat....

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Church Sale

I enjoyed going to the Holy Hatter basement rummage sale last week. I didn't buy much, but it was lots of fun looking around!  I bought this deal that you put a clear votive candle looks here like it only has two sides, but it actually is four-sided. I think it'll be real pretty with the candlelight coming from inside...
This item is really prettier than the picture shows....I think it may have been an ashtray for cigars, but I shall use it for a catch-all dish for coins, etc.  It is made of super heavy glass....
I bought a bag of Valentine's Day decorations....several strands of hearts that light up...and they all work! There were also strands of two different kinds of Valentine's garland...
And a whole assortment of Valentine "ornaments"  What a deal!  Now I may have to have a Valentine's Day Party!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Photo Dump

Pretty snail shell I found when Richard was cleaning around the old cabin...
Dinner from a while back....Richard's famous pork steak and a baked potato off the grill....also had a nice salad with this....
We were cleaning up stuff over in the Mae Place Saturday and I found this neat bird nest in a blackberry neat....It was lined with what appeared to be horse hair or cow fur....
I found this in a  box in the dungeon a few days ago and it sure took me back to when I was a kid....we had a set of these books on all different topics and I enjoyed them a lot.....

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Green Stuff

We kept the kids on St. Pat's Day since their caregiver was off that day...When Sarah brought them in that morning she told me Tyler was looking forward to eating green food since it was St. Pat's Day...oops! I hadn't even thought of doing that!  I had some store bought cinnamon rolls in the fridge, so we had those for breakfast with the icing tinted green...
For lunch we had GPa's fried fish, because he really likes that....I made some green sides to go with beans, kiwi, green grapes and mashed potatoes tinted green....I figured he wouldn't eat them, and he didn't. And Emily thought it was play-doh and played with hers...haha....I ate some of the green ones, but I had saved out some without tinting them and that is what Richard had......It was fun to have green mashed potatoes! But weird too!
Have some daffodils blooming by the driveway...these are mini ones....I also have larger daffodils there along with crocus and hyacinths....Love how Molly is photo bombing the picture! Doesn't she look regal? haha!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Vintage First Aid Kit

This is a neat old first aid kit....the case is metal..
Full of neat stuff...there is also sterile eye pads in the bottom.....also included was this neat first aid book that came with it....copyright date 1942, although this surely isn't that old....I enjoyed the book a lot....

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Last Week

Last week Richard spotted this hawk sitting on a piece of driftwood in our was eating what appeared to be a goldfinch....looks like he is staring right at me in this picture!
There was the annual donkeyball game at school a week or so ago....I didn't attend, but heard it was a full house....If you ever want to fill the gym, have a donkey ball game! 
An old Elm stump on the Mae Place  by the highway.....I go over and knock pieces off this now and then, but last week Richard decided to get a sledgehammer thing or something and knock it on down..While we were getting ready to do that, I noticed something down inside of it...
What is that?  I reached down and pulled it out...
A huge horseshoe! This was pretty far inside of the tree.....Sure wish I knew the story or when/who left it where it could get enveloped by the tree as the tree grew! What a story that could be!
After he knocked it all down there was a bunch of  pill bugs or roly polies..that spent the Winter deep  down in the stump..
It was a big horse shoe!  We also found a couple nails a ways into the tree...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Almost Finished!

I have five of these Musical Princess things...they were designed to be worn as a necklace if desired, hence the ribbon an a couple of them..and yes, that is the instruction sheet with all know I never throw anything away!  they have little white doll stands with them to stand the doll up on (so yes, I have 8-9 inch dolls to go with each one....when and if I find them all I will take another picture)  Anyway, it has a button that you press the dolls foot on and it plays "their" song.  Of course the batteries are dead and it says right there in the directions the batteries can not be replaced...
Just like a yard sale, there are always items leftover. I think I know what some of these pieces go to, but I wasn't the lower left corner are four items from the Black Cauldron....not sure on  a lot of it!
Belle's comb/mirror from Beauty and the Beast....actually are smaller than they appear here...and there is Gaston!  He is from Beauty and the Beast and I found him hiding in with the Pocahontas stuff....guess I saw the arrows and in my crazy sorting mania put him in with the wrong movie!
Well....except for random items like dolls,etc that go with the movies that is it!! Oh, except for Toy Story, which I haven't gathered up and photographed yet....Loved that movie too and the toys that we have for that I basically bought for myself! Ha! I must be a kid at heart!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Lion King

Here is the rest of the Lion King things.....I had posted earlier the ones I already gave Tyler.....I also already gave him the stuffed animals we had...and after I took this picture I found five more small stuffed animals, so they aren't pictured.. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Oh boy, I have lots of Pocahontas stuff! Too much for one picture, so I divided into three....
The detail on some of these are quite good...especially for McDonald toys...
Full cast of characters!
Some may be wondering how we got so many Happy Meal toys.  I wondered the same thing myself, since we usually went nowhere except the river...then I remembered how Richard would bring them home Happy Meals when he came home for the weekend...then he also reminded me how sometimes during the week he would eat Happy Meals for dinner so the girls could have the toys....Now that is love! ha!

Alaskan Salmon

We had this for lunch a week ago...wild caught salmon from Alaska! The guy Richard works with had been to Alaska to do some fishing and he shared some of his bounty with us.....the salmon, along with a baked potato, steamed broccoli and fresh yellow bell peppers made for a great lunch!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Unknown items

Group photo! Green dragons are from Pete's Dragon....there is Peter Pan in the middle...and Robin Hood on the left...unsure about the rest....guy with long beard in blue in the back.....two sets of dogs....four little airplane things....If you know what any of these are from, let me know! I am clueless! 
More unknowns....I am thinking the green trundle bed may go with Snow White or Sleeping Beauty...anyone know?  and the creepy pair of women in the back?  the animals?  
I am getting my Disney project wrapped up. I know I still have Pocahontas to do....and Toy Story...but getting close to being done!  Will have to see what I can dig into next!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Bambi and Some Others

Oh, how I liked Bambi!  When I was a kid we had a record album with a book attached to it where you could listen to the story and "read" doubt one of my favorites...Now, I truly don't know why I have so many of these....I know I picked a few up at yard sales, but, well, this is like hoarding! Haha! Six owls, six bambis?  Wow....
Only things I have found from Alice in Wonderland....makes me wonder if I am not missing  a box or tote...this movie was one of Sarah's favorites and it would seem I would have had more toys than this to go with it...
Sleeping Beauty....again, may be missing a tote? It would seem with two daughters I would have had more stuff than this...On a side note, see that dragon? Yeah.....I have six of them....Happy Meal toys and some are still in their package! Ha!
Cinderella....more evidence of a missing box/tote.  The really liked this movie also, so am thinking I have more that goes with this movie.....somewhere.......

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Little Mermaid and Others

Probably the Disney related toys our girls played with the most were the Little Mermaid ones....Wow, did they ever have fun with those!  Wonderful movie and good music too. As with some of the other movies, I also have regular barbie-sized dolls to go with the movies.....that will have to be a post (s)   for another time!
Happy Meal toys that are connected to the Tarzan movie...
Happy Meal toys from the Jungle Book movie...
Assortment of toys from the Hunchback of Notre Dame...