Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday's Photo Dump

Top of a roof in Argyle..
I almost stepped on this guy over in the Mae yard last week.....he wasn't nearly as
big in person as it's looks here...
Cat enjoying all the construction-type equipment behind the store..
Some kind of yellow fungus at the base of one of our Pin Oak trees...
Old house out Hayden way....sure would like to go explore up there....
I suppose some sort of insect eggs?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wildflower Wednesday

Some type of Buttercup I think....

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More Random Pictures

The bees get just covered in pollen on the Rose of Sharon bushes! Sometimes it
almost seems like it makes it hard for them to fly!
The Mae yard has a few colors of these....pink, lavender and white....
I watched a couple of these birds taking dust baths over by the garden one
day last week. There was a cardinal too, but it was too quick to get a picture.
Yellow fungus on a piece of firewood....this was early in the morning. By evening it
was white...I suppose from the sun?
Virginia Creeper climbing on that old house in Westphalia...I went with Richard 
Saturday when he did some survey work there.
I like the tiger lily....blooming by the Mae house.
Snake crawling up a huge old Maple in the Mae yard...it was quick too!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Random Pictures

The other day Sarah had bought Tyler this little chair....when they got to the house, he
got it out and put it in front of the window. He pretty much sat there waiting for Grandpa
to get home...he wasn't in the mood to talk to us! 
Trying to make the truck look girly! Ha!
Kind of an ugly color green paint...put there in preparation for the pole replacement project...
I think so anyway.. It's been there long enough that MODOT painted a white stripe over it.
A much prettier shade of green! This one is up by the driveway...
A fresh blue stripe!
Pretty mussel shell from the river today...it's so thin and delicate too...
Butterfly on Ironweed...took this picture this evening.
A while back I noticed a glob on these worms on our hickory tree.  I was too unmotivated to 
go get the Sevin powder...was too windy anyway...and I didn't feel like mixing up the Sevin 
to make a liquid spray, so I got a big stick and knocked them to the ground and stepped on
them...they came off in a big clump and were very sluggish...barely moving. Probably because
they were too full from munching on the leaves of our Hickory tree! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


We had a nice time on the river this evening.....Here is a shot of the sunset as
we came back to town...taken from Old Highway 63. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Few Pictures...

We have a couple volunteer sunflowers in the yard this year.....they are not very big..
maybe three inches across..
Baby Pin Oak acorns!
Sunday evening down around Moreland's ..looking upriver
On a bluff in Henderson Eddy
Little creek coming into the river, also in Henderson Eddy
Neat root thing on a Sycamore tree...above the pink cabin.
lichen looking stuff on a piece of driftwood in our yard.
Really nice out this morning....I think I will go back out and enjoy!