Thursday, March 23, 2017

Watt Pottery

I cleaned the Watt Pottery earlier this week....Sure like these pieces. So far I haven't found a super good way to display them, and I need to work on that! This one is a spaghetti bowl...

this one is a large platter type thing

Probably the size of a large dinner plate. 
Supposed to be Shawnee Pottery...bought by my paternal grandparents in West Virginia early in 1954. Very nice pieces and one of my favorites. They have Watt Pottery on their backs along with a number.


Connie said...

Go wild and use them once in awhile. I do this occasionally with Dwayne's Blue Willow dishes. He's not too keen on me using them. I told him we can enjoy them more this way than just in the cabinet. I can just see a big bowl of spaghetti in that first bowl.

Ramona said...

You know, you are so right! What good are they tucked away because I am afraid they'll get broken? I shall so totally use them once in a while! Thanks!