Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wildflower Wednesday

I should have taken the time to look up the names of these plants, but I didn't.  This one has yellow
flowers, but my pictures didn't turn out so good!
Pretty little low-growing plant..
Some type of Purple Coneflower...soo pretty!
A whole roadside full!
I would love to have a stand of these somewhere on our place!
These pictures were all taken on Hwy 42 East....Richard spotted them coming back from a job and took
me back out there the next day so I could take some pictures. He's thoughtful like that! :)


Sarah said...

Wow! Love the last pictures! So pretty! How nice of Dad to take you back there to see them :)

Anonymous said...

They were even prettier in person...yeah, it was nice of him to think of me! He's special like that! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, if those purple cones can live out in a field with no attention then why in the world can't I get more than a couple to grow with TLC in our yard? Go figure! Beautiful. And, thoughtful husband, but I knew that! K

Anonymous said...

I know! I tried to grow some once and they only lasted a couple years....I think they are the yellow coneflowers also...