Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Current River and Echo Bluff State Parks

These pictures are from the Current River State Park.  Quite a little drive to get down into this, but it looks pretty nice. It has a nice lake a lots of buildings.

I walked out to this little screened in area on the lake.

the spillway from the lake that goes down into the Current River...see the river?

Old bridge.

neat rock pillars

We also went through a new state park, Echo Bluff. about fancy. I should have taken pics of all the new roads, parking lots, etc etc  there is also new cabin things and a new hotel for people to stay in...looks pretty high end. for sure. here is a neat old building that was there.

The area used to be called Camp Zoe, before the state got it. Seems like once a year young hippie types came there to do their thing. This is a building left from those years.


Connie said...

I enjoy your travels.

Ramona said...

Thanks Connie! Wish I was more gifted with words haha or took my time to write more at least....