Friday, September 29, 2017

The Return of Charlotte

The morning we left for our trip I saw that Charlotte had returned...the day after she made her egg sack! I read online where they can build up to four egg sacks. Was news to me, as I thought they just did one...I knew she was exceptional! Ha!

The Possum Haw has it's pretty berries on it! so excited to have one of these!
Charlotte and her dinner

She caught a Painted Lady here....I was kind of bummed one day she had caught a Monarch

Emily playing when she was at the house yesterday..

She is something else....wore her hat and gloves to the ballpark. She also wore these into the store that morning...along with her pink fuzzy coat!  It was too funny!

Look what Charlotte did last night!  Amazing!  I took this picture this morning.....she spent ALL day securing it into place....She worked soo hard!  Late this afternoon she went around the corner into the sun and rested the rest of the evening...we'll see if she has #3 still to come!

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