Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I took this picture on our neighbor's patio at the river..kind of blurry....but anyway it's one of those lizards with the indigo tails that fall off in an effort to startle predators.....The reason I was on the neighbor's patio was.................. While Richard was turning off the water at the well house he happened upon a bunch of red wasps....luckily only one stung him.....then he got the spray out.......poor little fellows......

After we got back from getting rained on at the river Sunday we discovered a little mouse hiding in the boat motor...his fur was wet and he was so least I thought he was cute...Richard not so much.....

Took several pictures of this caterpillar the other day....just picked two at random to was chomping away on our lilac bush in the front yard. I looked it up and it's a tomato hornworm...will turn into a large brown toned moth. It was fun watching it eat the leaves.

Too hot today to go out and look for stuff :(

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