Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Clean-Up

Here is the chocolate brown floor! A nice even coat! 
Picnic tables floating 
The grill may need a little cleaning! ha!
Taken after we used the squeege thing....and removed some items....This table was
up on a bed during the high water.
Moved the refrigerator to the porch to try to dry it out...We've done nearly all
we can until we get some water down there......may have to haul it in!
One of our neighbor's pink flamingos's now stuck out in the river bank 
in some brush...
Well pump/house. Nice.
The water was deeper in our neighbor's place...
Picnic table stuck in a tree on the road to the boat ramp.
Funny story about this mussel shell. The night we tied up the tables Richard asked me
if I wanted that shell and I said, not to worry about it. Well, it rode out the flood on that table and is
still on there! You can see it in the other picture of the tables....

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