Friday, April 25, 2014

Freaky Friday-Bat Edition

When we were working at the cabin Wednesday, Richard took down a board that had been covering part of a's on the outside, so you just never really know what is going to be behind/under something that has been in place for months.....well, there was a bat under the board! I took this picture from inside the cabin....
And here is a picture from the outside....look at it's little ears and feet! I tried to get a picture of it's beady little eyes, but couldn't seem to get a good one....
After spending some time looking at it and taking pictures, we decided to scare it off so it wouldn't decide to bother us! haha! anyway, he is pushing on it with  a broom and it wasn't wanting to move....can you see it's teeth? It kept biting at the broom! Pretty soon it did fly off...


Connie said...

We had bats in our attic one year (LOTS). We had to get an exterminator. They were really creepy.

Connie said...

We had bats in our attic one year (LOTS). We had to get an exterminator. They were really creepy.

Connie said...

We had bats in our attic one year (LOTS). We had to get an exterminator. They were really creepy.