Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wandering in the Woods

We had a couple dogwood trees that needed planted, so Molly and I headed off into the Mae Woods this morning...I planted the two trees in the woods North of the Mae House. Right after I planted the trees I spotted this bottle stuck upside down in the ground..I noticed it had some green stuff in it...
It was acting as a miniature greenhouse for this plant! Pretty neat!
Wonder how the plant will fare out in the open? The bottle had been around a while, but don't think it was all that old, as it has what appears to have had been a screw-top lid.
There are lots of gooseberry bushes in the Mae Woods..look at the thorn on that! Ouch!
I circled the woods around the field and this was actually taken near the fence line of the highway....Will have to look up the name of this little Spring flower...
On up the fence line I came across another bottle...this one appeared to be older...
Too bad the bottom was broken out of it....It was a Listerine bottle..
Baby bagworms....
There are one of these bushes in the pasture fence by the highway..
Finally back to the top of the hill! Grape Hyacinths growing in the Mae Yard..
In our yard...What we always called "Baby's Breath"
Sprig of flowers on our Redbud tree...see the shovel handle? I had to drag that shovel with me on my entire walk....actually half the time I was using it as a "walking stick" haha!
It was a pleasant walk..and so quiet and peaceful! Good to get outside.

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