Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Barbie & Co

I divided the happy meal toys roughly in half.....I did not take the time to "fix" their hair...figured it would just get messed up again anyway. I was going to divide them into the years they came out, but gave up on that...I did divide them into groups to photograph them.

and there is Ken too!

the baby is Kelly or Stacy...when you slide the little chicken nugget box the baby's hands go up to it's mouth....I like the horse one too!

there is that baby again..those flat disks are used to stand the dolls up

The only one that didn't belong to the kids was the one in red on the far left..I must have picked it up at a yard sale later...it was still in it's package.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

emily and tyler played with these today!