Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Turtles Like Tomatoes

These pictures are from a few days ago....tomato #3.....I was watering the garden the other morning and caught this turtle in the act!  I didn't have my camera with me, so I brought both the tomato and the turtle over to the house when I was done to get a picture of it eating my tomato.  Well, guess he didn't want me watching him eat, because he took off......
This turtle has eaten more of our tomatoes than we have!
Here is an mark on it's shell so the next time I will know if it's the same turtle or not...This morning I went over there and three more tomatoes had been chewed on.  Next time I see this turtle it's going on a trip to the other side of town!
Here he is making his get-away!
After he was gone I went over to pick up the tomato to throw it away.....and I guess the dang thing left me a gift! 

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