Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Haircut and the River

Richard helped out by taking Tyler to get his haircut last is 
a picture I took when they got back to the cute!
Saturday was such a beautiful day.  Sarah had the idea to take a picnic lunch
down to the cabin....It was breezy on the water, but not up by the cabin where we were.
Tyler packs all his important stuff in his "bee" bag!
Note how is carrying one of his pieces of construction equipment!
She brought their dog along too!
Playing a game climbing up and down the rock steps...still holding his toy...
Sheer joy....
It was  a great afternoon and a wonderful place to be!


Sarah said...

Love the picture of his hair cut!

I had fun at the river too!! Glad we went!

Anonymous said...

It was a great time!